Vind een leraar After Effects

  • beschikbaar in 3h
    de Klerk
    Creative missionary
    Ik ben The ONE who can tell you all about motion graphics and design
    toon profiel
    Tilburg ,  Netherlands
    Talen: German, English, Dutch
    #after effects #graphic design #illustrator #cinema4d #c4d #adobe #photoshop #p2p platform
  • beschikbaar in 1h
    video editing
    € 0,13 pm
    Ik ben The ONE My empathy allows me to feel other’s difficulties and provide good solutions.
    toon profiel
    Lund Municipality ,  Sweden
    Talen: English, Chinese, Swedish
    #adobe after effects #animation #english #english #diet plan #diet plan #relationship #screenprinting #videoediting #finalcutpro #life style #diet #chinese #fitness #videoediting #keynote #emojicreating #vlogcontent #gif #losing fat #photoediting #building muscle #keynote #zone diet #phonevideos #chinese #finalcutpro #chinese #photoshop
  • beschikbaar in 3h
    Designing, writing
    € 0,50 pm
    Ik ben The ONE Emmy-winner designer, doesn’t know when to quit, will teach you the same mindset
    toon profiel
    Greater London ,  United Kingdom
    Talen: English, Italian
    #adobe after effects #photography#filmmaking#writing #person to talk to #design #perseverance #create value #idea #freelancing #graphic design #screenwriting #cinema4d #animation #adobe #typography #logo design #creativity #brainstorm #life coach #editting #personal coach #adobe illustrator #open ear #creative thinking #creative mind #photoshop
  • beschikbaar in 6h
    € 0,18 pm
    Ik ben The ONE I'm the ONE who can teach you Música, Diseño, Lenguaje, Informática and more...
    toon profiel
    Comuna 1 ,  Argentina
    Talen: Spanish, English
    #aftereffects #diseño #video #adobe #audition #ingles #floor #chicken #it #office #mysql #windows #gba #capitalfederal #sonyvegas #animación #network #vegetables #excel #math #word #flstudio #microsoft #soundtrack #powerpoint #illustrator #sql #diseño grafico #database #flstudio #html5 #catálogo #guitar #meat #piano #kitchen #bass #cocina #recording #salt #language #english #audio #buenosaires #guitarra #adobeaudition #harmony #record #bajo #photoshop #theory #premiere #composition #logo #voice #audio #sing #presentación #ukulele #teclado #ukelele #audition #keyboards #graphicdesign #canto #motiongraphics #teoría #pizza #lenguaje #eggs #composición #cook #armonía #sugar #escalas #oven #solfeo #meal #scales #sweet #modos #pepper #partitura #grammar #score #spanish #sheet #español #argentina
  • beschikbaar in 6h
    Diseñador Grafico
    € 0,05 pm
    Ik ben The ONE Soy the One, y estoy probando esta plataforma, espero conseguir mucha gente.
    toon profiel
    La Matanza Partido ,  Argentina
    Talen: Spanish
    #adobe after effects basics #web development #music arranging #pc home support #videoediting #pc peripheral #photography#filmmaking#writing #windows administration #illustratior #photo editing #photo and video equipment #photoshop #photography #video editing #photography #pc assembly #pc configuratie #video equipment #android #pc diagnosis #pc #html css #motherboard #adobe premier #web design #window instalación #music
  • beschikbaar in 8h
    Grevelle Morriss
    Teacher & Freelancer
    € 0,38 pm
    Ik ben The ONE I'm the ONE for all your Adobe Premiere Pro editing and troubleshooting help.
    toon profiel
    Bexar County ,  United States
    Talen: English
    #aftereffects #photography #character animator #photo and video equipment #video production #streaming #video production #filmmaker #premiere pro #multimedia #cinematography #video editing #streaming #film production #basics #streaming #video editing #adobe premiere #film producing #film-making #editing #photography#filmmaking#writing #filmmaking #production management #video edit #adobe
    Computers & networks
    € 0,09 pm
    Ik ben The ONE I'm the ONE to call for any advice on buying laptop,desktop or server computers.
    toon profiel
    City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality ,  South Africa
    Talen: English, Afrikaans
    #adobe after effects basics #longevity #health #lifestyle #router configuration #shotcut #networking #healthy alternatives #windows support #network configuration #hardware installation #purchasing advice #hardware support #video editing #natural remedies #health tips #adobe premier #healthy eating habits #routers