Vind een coach voor startende ondernemers

  • online
    van Noortwijk
    € 1,25 pm
    Eerste 5 min. gratis
    Ik ben The ONE who helps you with SelfLeadership to achieve all the goals you want in life.
    toon profiel
    Government of Amsterdam ,  Netherlands
    Talen: Dutch, English, German
    #start up #performanceinprovement #improve business #self help #entrepreneuradvice #scaleup #adult adhd #business growth #self development #self motivator #adhd #self esteem #self discipline #leadership development #advices for succes #investments #selfmotivation #empowering women #strategy #employee conflict #leadership #business goals #coaching #amsterdam #motivation
  • beschikbaar in 6h
    De Vries
    Co-Founder WebinarHD
    € 1,49 pm
    Ik ben The ONE startup entrepreneur & corporate executive for all your growth question.
    toon profiel
    Government of Amsterdam ,  Netherlands
    Talen: Dutch, English, German
    #startup #startup #startup finance #startup #starting business #ipo #facebook #growth hacking #growth strategy #marketing #facebook marketing #trade finance #funding #facebook ads #markering funnels #financing #funnel #product launches #funnel buiding #marketing #vendor finance #marketing coaching #structured finance
  • beschikbaar in 8h
    G Michael
    € 0,25 pm
    Ik ben The ONE that offers customised and personalised consultancy. NO SOP
    toon profiel
    Vienna ,  Austria
    Talen: Dutch, English, Italian, German
    #startups #event cooking #amharic #italian #dutch #consultancy #business development #financial advice #relationships

:cuont andere mensen die iets kunnen weten over 'Startups'

  • online
    adviseur mkb en zzp
    Eerste 10 min. gratis
    Ik ben The ONE actief in het bestuur van AVA
    toon profiel
    Amstelveen ,  Netherlands
    Talen: Jerman, Inggris, Belanda
    #startups #swimmingpool #samengesteld gezin #btw #inkomstenbelasting #small businesses #zzp #boekhouding starten #financecontrolling #opzetten administraties #finance #amstelveen #penningmeester
  • beschikbaar in 6h
    € 1,00 pm
    Ik ben The ONE I' m the one that will help you start your business and gives you tools to do it
    toon profiel
    Government of Rotterdam ,  Netherlands
    Talen: English, Dutch
    #pitchdeck #pitch #email marketing #rootingandroid #ps4 #start-up #marketing campaign #crm #salestargets #social selling #sales channel #sales skills #sales #hendrik ido ambacht #rotterdam
  • beschikbaar in 6h
    Co-founder of TheONE
    Ik ben The ONE who loves strategy, marketing and communication
    toon profiel
    Amstelveen ,  Netherlands
    Talen: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Ungarisch, Niederländisch
    #startups #concepts #content marketing #drawing #advertising #motivatie #burn out #p2p platform #live video calling #community marketing #community building #social commerce #open platform #c2c #budget #live video chat #personal #live video interaction #guts #golf #neuro-semantics #tennis #painting #hockey #pr #squash #marketing #missie #people2people #visie #meaningful profit #mission #neuro-semantics #vision #drive #strategy #fear #strategie #optimism #leadership #depression #new business #communication #entrepreneurship #writing #communication #apple #leiderschap #communication #team building #business development #ondernemerschap #ngo #public relation #online marketing #business plan #seo #platform technology
  • beschikbaar in 8h
    human interest
    Eerste 15 min. gratis
    Ik ben The ONE that creates killer pitches for independent professionals
    toon profiel
    Gouda ,  Netherlands
    Talen: anglais, français, néerlandais
    #voorjezelfbeginnen #video pitch #elevatorpitch #pitchfilm #elevator pitch #career counseling #mobiliteistmanagement #functioneringsgesprek #imagomanagement #archetype #personal coaching #career counseling #acquisitie #promotie films #arbeidsmarktcommunicatie #profile #employer branding #hr-management #personalbranding #profiling #makeastatement #employerbrandfilms #jobinterview #videocv #maakeenmerkvanjezelf #p2p platform #loopbaanverbetering #makeapersonalstatement #internal branding #sollicitatiegesprek #career coaching #succesvolacquireren #laatjezelfzien #drijfveren #tevoorschijnkomen #executivecoaching #personalbrand #loopbaangesprek #weesonderscheidend #performanceinprovement #jetoegevoegdewaarde #personal branding #kernkwaliteiten #bedrijfsfilms #wordzzper #internalbranding #editing
  • beschikbaar in 5h
    van der Linden
    head product & ops
    € 1,25 pm
    Ik ben The ONE to create digital product startups (team & product, business)
    toon profiel
    Beşiktaş ,  Turkey
    Talen: Dutch, English, Turkish
    #lean startup #startup #circular economy #business administration #business growth #business model development #product development #business design #service design #business design #product design #digital product (software) #product development #product owner #product management
  • beschikbaar in 6h
    Van Cormeo
    € 0,42 pm
    Ik ben The ONE Die creatief is en goed kan luisteren
    toon profiel
    Zoetermeer ,  Netherlands
    Talen: Dutch, English
    #start up #ondernemingen #creatieve #onderneming #start #omgang #kinderen #jongeren #idea flow #ideas #den haag #zoetermeer
  • beschikbaar in 6h
    Van Kerckhove
    I'm a coach&trainer
    € 0,50 pm
    Ik ben The ONE that helps you to find your talent and share it with the world.
    toon profiel
    Antwerp ,  Belgium
    Talen: Dutch, English, French
    #start up #learningstrategies #homework assistance #homework #entrepreneuradvice #business development #personal empowerment #meaning of life #career coaching #growth of the person #personal development #life coach #time management
  • beschikbaar in 7h
    Content | Research
    € 0,75 pm
    Ik ben The ONE who helps improve physical & mental wellbeing and helps you grow online
    toon profiel
    Utrecht ,  Netherlands
    Talen: English, Hungarian, Dutch
    #startups #campaigns #facebook #speciality coffee #animal rights #vegetarian nutrition #vegetarian recipes #conversion optimalisation #dutch #bali #utrecht #website traffic #campaign management #import #facebook ads #content creating #english #vegetarian diet #hungarian #vegetarian cuisine #online marketing #vegetarian food #content marketing #animal welfare campaigning #user-centred design
  • beschikbaar in 5d
    De Bruyne
    Innovation Manager
    € 1,67 pm
    Ik ben The ONE Helping Start-ups and scale-ups to grow their business
    toon profiel
    Flemish Brabant ,  Belgium
    Talen: Belanda, Inggris, Prancis
    #startup #android #freelance #wordpress #jobcoaching #sales #interieur #cv review #websitedevelopment #design #apps #website #software #bloemen #bouwmaterialen #cv design #tinyhouses #change and transition #kunst #strategy #galerie #businessplan #kunstpromoten #ecommerce #kunstverzekeren #business #online #marketing #ios
  • beschikbaar in 6h
    € 0,08 pm
    Ik ben The ONE who is here to help you
    toon profiel
    Arnhem ,  Netherlands
    Talen: English, Hindi, Dutch, Punjabi
    #startups #swimming tips #prayer #healthy body #photography #sadness #life #help in english #teacher #presentation #urdu #help #sad #english #motivation #university #happiness #urdu #motivating #advice #life coach #entrepreneurship #life advice #business coaching #dealing with depression #healthy mind #peace #gym #learning #horse riding #anything #homework #motivation and self control #homework for me #talktosomeone #english #talk anything #punjabi #self advise #spirituality #english
  • beschikbaar in 6h
    ondernemers coach
    € 1,00 pm
    Ik ben The ONE die jouw unieke waarde beter zichtbaar maakt aan je klanten
    toon profiel
    Leidschendam-Voorburg ,  Netherlands
    Talen: English, Dutch
    #startups #nlp #relaxation #websites #ict plan #targeting #blockchain #mindset #voip #windows administration #cloud computing #office 365 #outlook #networking #email #ict strategie #blockchain #domeinnamen #business development #isdn migratie #social media ads #netwerk monitoring #doelgroep #openmind #blockchain apps #g suite