Apprendre à se fixer des objectifs dans la vie

Setting goals for yourself can be a daunting task for some people. Too many, unclear or too few goals can also be very stressful. Together with a coach you can find out what your goals are and where you want to focus on. Of course, it always will be your decision, but sometimes a helping hand from a goals coach can help.
avail. in 3hAlwien
TulnerCoachUS$ 1,72 pmJe suis The ONE Coaching you to find your core valuesaffiche profilGovernment of Amsterdam , NetherlandsLangues: English, French, Dutch -
avail. in 9hLaetitia
Laguerre#careercoachUS$ 1,02 pm -
avail. in 2hJesús
Ramos LópezWork PsychologiestUS$ 0,24 pm15 premières min gratuites
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