Apprendre à faire preuve de leadership

If you have the feeling that people are walking all over you and hardly anyone is interested in you, a leadership coach can help. They can teach you how to show leadership and self-confidence and how to stand up for what is important to you. Contrary to what many people think, leadership is not innate. Everyone can learn it, including you.
en ligneBen
SteenstraCo-founder of TheONEGratuitementJe suis The ONE who loves strategy, marketing and communicationaffiche profilAmstelveen , NetherlandsLangues: German, English, French, Hungarian, Dutch -
avail. in 3hWassili
ZafirisCoaching, TrainingUS$ 3,82 pm15 premières min gratuitesJe suis The ONE Senior life and business Coachaffiche profilGovernment of Amsterdam , NetherlandsLangues: German, Greek, English, Dutch -
avail. in 2hPierre
HoltzhausenFull time Life CoachUS$ 0,67 pm25 premières min gratuites -
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SmeetsEntrepreneur, brandmanagerUS$ 1,17 pm -
avail. in 2hFrancisco
ReisLearning & DevelopUS$ 0,59 pm -
avail. in 3hFrits
van NoortwijkLeadershipscoachUS$ 2,24 pm -
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SanagariPersonal DevelopmentUS$ 0,19 pm -
avail. in 4hAna
Luísa MonteiroLeadership coachUS$ 1,18 pm -
avail. in 8hKali
MincyChanging LivesUS$ 0,99 pm -
avail. in 10hLucia
G OnievaLife Strategy CoachUS$ 1,53 pm -
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Diazlife & biz coachingUS$ 1,67 pm
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Laguerre#careercoachUS$ 1,02 pm -
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