Aprende a superar la tristeza

We all have moments of intense sadness. Because of a death or a broken relationship, for example, or because of unforeseen circumstances. Do not get stuck in this grief and call a mental coach or therapist to process your grief faster.
avail. in 3hPierre
HoltzhausenFull time Life CoachUS$ 0,67 pmFirst 25 min. free -
available nowShayna
Lmental health nurseUS$ 0,54 pm -
available nowAnthony
KollerI am a psychiatrist.US$ 1,18 pm -
avail. in 4hAnne
MreijenCOACH for teenagers and childerenUS$ 0,99 pm
6 other people who might know about 'sadness'
avail. in 10hAriadna
RiveraStudyingUS$ 0,33 pmFirst 2 min. free -
available nowEmilse
BernalconsejeraUS$ 0,08 pm -
avail. in 8hPetter
MezacocineroUS$ 0,06 pm -
avail. in 10hIsai
HernandezConsejero, SociólogoUS$ 0,16 pm -
avail. in 15hJulio
CorcueraHR Intern, docenteUS$ 0,59 pm -
avail. in 9hPamela
LizondoEl arte para todesUS$ 0,06 pm