Aprende a hablar en público

Anyone can learn to speak in front of an audience. However, this requires practice, a good story, good preparation and a number of speaking skills. Public speaking coaches can teach you this and they can also support you if you only have a small question. During the conversation, you automatically pay per minute and you decide how long the conversation will last.
avail. in 4hVictoria
BarbaCoachUS$ 0,59 pmYo soy The ONE En coaching para emprendedores y comunicación corporativamostrar perfilBarcelona , SpainIdiomas: Spanish, English -
avail. in 8hSamantha
JoffreEnglish TeacherUS$ 0,16 pm -
avail. in 13hStephanny
PeñaEnglish teacherUS$ 0,08 pm
30 other people who might know about 'public speaking'
avail. in 4hDiego
Virto MartinezProduction ManagerUS$ 0,10 pmFirst 5 min. free -
avail. in 11hMichelle
MéndezHelping othersUS$ 0,17 pmFirst 30 min. free -
avail. in 13hPedro
CortésEl campo y aprenderUS$ 0,13 pmFirst 10 min. free -
available nowJesé
RojasPlant, Nature, Read.US$ 0,50 pm -
available nowRuben
MartinezTravellerUS$ 0,30 pm -
avail. in 37mMilagros Agustina
BlacheI teach EnglishUS$ 0,12 pm -
avail. in 3hLoriette
ItholengHelping OthersUS$ 0,50 pm -
avail. in 5hSebastian
Fallas STech supportUS$ 0,07 pm -
avail. in 6hFreddy
HernándezMusic Producer / DJUS$ 0,24 pm -
avail. in 8hFranklin
PinedaSoy Ing. SistemasUS$ 0,08 pm -
avail. in 8hMarinela
CastroTravel agentUS$ 0,12 pm -
avail. in 9hFreddy
CastilloProf. de InformaticaUS$ 0,17 pm -
avail. in 9hIvette
VasquezArquitectaUS$ 0,25 pm -
avail. in 10hDary
ZamoraLenguas ModernasUS$ 0,08 pm -
avail. in 10hOrlando
Calles CabreraLa Lectura mi pasiónUS$ 0,33 pm -
avail. in 10hRosandry
GalindezDiseñadora GráficaUS$ 0,25 pm -
avail. in 11hMaría
MongeProfesora de EspañolUS$ 0,08 pm -
avail. in 11hSebastián
Zúñiga AriasComunicaciónUS$ 0,13 pm -
avail. in 11hDamián
Garcíaart, music, skatingUS$ 0,11 pm -
avail. in 12hJaquelina
JimenaGuiar a mis clientesUS$ 0,75 pm
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