Virtual tours with local guides from all over the world
Ask a local guide for tips and advice on your favourite city. You can ask for a virtual tour via a live video connection or you can ask for up-to-date information. The guides are familiar with the location and instantly available.
Local guides in Europe
The best information about Amsterdam
24 locals available -
The best information about Barcelona
5 locals available -
The best information about Berlin
8 locals available -
The best information about Stockholm
9 locals available -
The best information about Bucharest
4 locals available -
Local guides in Rome
9 locals available
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Local guides in Asia
The best information about Singapore
12 locals available -
The best information about Koh Chang
2 locals available -
The best information about Kuala Lumpur
7 locals available -
The best information about Jakarta
6 locals available
Local guides North America
The best information about Los Angeles
10 locals available -
The best information about Miami
11 locals available -
The best information about Montreal
1 locals available -
The best information about New York
11 locals available -
The best information about Toronto
15 locals available
Local guides in Africa
The best information about Pretoria
13 locals available -
The best information about Johannesburg
20 locals available -
The best information about Cape Town
10 locals available
Local guides in South America
The best information about Guayaquil
5 locals available -
The best information about Rio de Janeiro
2 locals available -
The best information about Buenos Aires
9 locals available -
The best information about Lima
9 locals available -
The best information about Medellin
8 locals available -
The best information about Panama
12 locals available
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