Alopecia | Support for Bald Women

Alopecia is a problem where women lose their hair. There is no immediate cure, but support or coaching can help to get on with your life. I have a beautiful story of how a woman with Alopecia was helped in this matter and want to share it with you.

Years ago a very beautiful but little fragile young lady worked within my company. She had beautiful dark black shiny long hair and was always more than smart and stylishly dressed. If she had been 6 inches taller, she could certainly have become a cover model of Vogue.

Alopecia - Bald Woman

One day she called in sick. Stomach complaints that would pass again she told. Until the symptoms persisted and she confessed that it wasn't her stomach at all. Alopecia was detected.

She started to lose whole pieces of hair and the bald spots were scattered a few square inches across her head. At that moment she could still hide it, but 2 weeks later her scalp was visible from meters away.

She didn't dare to go out on the street anymore and customer contact or even contact with colleagues was more than she could handle. She felt like a monster and not long afterward there was nothing left but to shave off the few remaining hairs.

Alopecia | Relationship problems

Unfortunately, this also brought complications at home. Her fashionable and beauty passionated boyfriend could no longer be sexually aroused if she lay beside him.

The question was if they together could please buy a wig as her hair used to look. She would be able to use it in the evening so that passion could return to the bedroom. The poor girl went through hell emotionally.

We had contact after six weeks of sickness insurance. She said that she would certainly not be able to work for months, and the psychologists and doctors had advised her not to do anything else.

Because I personally had very good contact with her, I begged her to engage in a dialogue with me before she would decide to stay at home ill. I will not deny that I exerted a lot of manipulative and psychological pressure to get her into the office the next day. A pressure which, by the way, I strongly disapprove of and refrain from in almost all cases.

Alopecia | Mental coaching can help

What exactly was discussed in the conversation, I can not say in this article. That stays between us. I can say that certain coaching topics such as self-esteem, self-confidence and true intentions were discussed.

Against the urgent advice of all those doctors, psychologists, and her boyfriend, she appeared at work the next day. Bald and fragile, but with a zest for life in her eyes. 2 days later, she dumped her boyfriend with whom she had been together for seven years, and then life re-started for her.

The following week she came in totally new clothes in a new style. She had spent the entire weekend, giving her wardrobe a rigorous update. In cool leather pants with a matching shirt, new makeup, and a cool bald head, she walked radiantly through the door at 9 o'clock. Colleagues turned their heads to the beauty and energy that passed. What a beautiful but different woman!

... ...

Alopecia | Miracles can happen

She has not been sick for a day after that, canceled all appointments with psychologists and a friend who worked at Vogue noticed that new energy had arisen. A new woman and friend. Robust, powerful, and especially herself!

Eight weeks later, she was on the cover of Vogue. Completly bold and with a 4-page photo report, including in-depth articles about the subject that a woman is much more than long, short, or no hair at all.

2 years later, the unimaginable happened. She got her long black hair back! Nobody knows how Alopecia originates, and nobody knows how to cure it. What I start to believe after this experience is that if you feel good about yourself, appearance doesn't matter at all.

When you live a happy life and give people a happy life, miracles can happen. This includes getting a new boyfriend that makes her happier than ever by accepting her for who she is.

certified TheONE expert badge
Ben Steenstra Ben Steenstra
14-04-2019 4 mins read
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