About CallTheONE and how it works

CallTheONE is for people who want an instant answer to their question and for people who would like to help others by answering their questions.

All experts at CallTheONE have registered themselves. We facilitate them with relevant articles based on their expertise. Visitors at CallTheONE can also search for experts and expertise.


How do you become an expert?

From the CallTheONE app and site, you can call experts and create a profile to become an expert.

Many people visit CallTheONE.com and download our app because they have a question. However, we believe that everyone is good at something and that therefore, everyone can become an expert. By showing in your profile what you know, others can see what they can call you for. By the way, registering as an expert is entirely free and without obligation.

What can you earn with CallTheONE?

You decide how much you want to earn yourself. You can indicate yourself what it costs to call you for an hour. You automatically get paid per minute during a call. The first minute is always free. CallTheOne charges 10% commission.

If you have very specific knowledge that is in high demand, you can request a high rate. What we experience is that a lot of experts at CallTheONE don't ask that much at all. They just enjoy participating in and helping others. CallTheONE can also be an excellent way to find new customers.

What do you have to do to sign up?

Register via the website or TheONE expert app. At the top, you will find the button to sign up. You can also directly download our app and sign up from within the app. After you have logged in, you can call experts or create a profile, after which others can call you.

TheONE also offers tailor-made solutions for retail, e-commerce, aftersales or, for example, information campaigns. Ask one of TheONE's team members about the possibilities.

Check out our explanation movie here:

certified TheONE expert badge
Ben Steenstra Ben Steenstra
25-03-2019 2 mins read
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