Business communication courses & consultants

Business communication courses & consultants at TheONE are here about to streamline the internal and external communication of your company. The remote consultants know how to bring a message across and how to set up a strategic communication plan.

Business communication specialists are skilled in setting up, executing, or improve business communication. It can involve internal communication with employees, but also external communication such as communication with suppliers or the press.

Whether it's good news or a bad news message, business communication usually has to take into account the company's image, internal protocols, and confidential information.

Business communication specialists can support you and your company with any communication challenge. Call via the live video calling and get direct advice. Or follow a course to improve your skills.

The benefit of business communications courses & consultants

If you want a corporate message to get across effectively, you can get remote advice from a communication specialist. It is the most affordable way to hire a professional communication specialist because you pay per minute. And only for the minutes as long as the video call lasts.

With the right wording, you can increase the effectiveness and impact of each message and achieve the desired effect. But sometimes a message has to be brought in phases to be comprehensible.

In that case, your communication plan requires a strategic approach. Business communication specialists and consultants can design and implement this strategy for you and your company.

To gain knowledge or upgrade your business communication skills, you can also follow a personalized course. You decide from where and when you hire your private teacher and learn via live video calling.

What do business communications consultants do?

Business communications consultants deal with external and internal business communication. When it comes to internal business communication, it is about so-called top-down or bottom-up communication.

Every message needs the right structure and packaging to be understood to have the maximum impact on the recipient. Everyone wants the story to be interpreted in the right way, and that requires a decent strategy.

How do you bring bad news to employees? Top-down communication example.

There is no single fixed format for bringing bad news to employees. Depending on the situation and content, business communication specialists at The ONE can advise you on how you can best bring bad news.

For example: In the event of an emerging bankruptcy, you don't want all employees to leave at once or to call in sick. In that case, the content of your bad news message also needs a positive future perspective.

Besides, in the event of potential bankruptcy, employees will become unsure and have many questions. Proper preparation can help you deal with numerous problems and prevent a lot of commotion.

Because in some cases you can be held liable in the event of impending bankruptcy, you must know what you can and cannot say. Remote business communication consultants in collaboration with a lawyer can advise you via the live video calling on TheONE.

3 tips for communication to employees in the event of an impending bankruptcy:

  1. Prepare yourself thoroughly for questions from employees. During the bad news conversation, be sure to answer as many questions as possible in advance.
  2. Be clear about what is awaiting the employees. Don't make the situation worse than the facts are and don't be too optimistic.
  3. Explain possible scenarios in which at least one scene has a positive outcome. Employees want to be able to hold on to something.

How do you bring bad news to the management? Bottom-up communication example.

The most significant mistake employees can make in bottom-up communication is passing the buck. The message that the results are disappointing, but that it's not your fault is always poor.

Present the facts, explain with facts how the situation originated and always tell what solution you have in mind. By providing a solution, you take responsibility and leave it to the management to decide whether it is necessary to look at the cause and guilty party. Usually, this will not be the case.

3 tips for bad news communication to management:

  1. Only present facts about the result and the cause.
  2. Present possible solutions.
  3. Leave it up to management to decide whether to look at the past and any guilty party.

How do you bring bad news to suppliers? External communication

Besides your employees, suppliers are often the lifeline of the company. If a supplier no longer wants to deliver, you can no longer make a revenue. By involving the supplier in the problem, together you can come to a solution.

Because if you don't buy anything anymore, it costs the supplier turnover. So you both have a problem if there is no solution. Be honest and transparent with suppliers and suggest possible solutions that also leave room for the supplier to come up with solutions.

Together with business communications consultants from The ONE, you can prepare the bad news and in this way reduce the risk of panic among suppliers.

How do you bring bad news to the media? External communication

Once a message arrives at the media and starts to be written about it, you no longer have control over how the story will be told. That's why it's necessary to determine and tell exactly what you want everyone to know.

It is essential not to mention anything that can be understood in a different way than you intended. In collaboration with a press advisor, business communications consultants can support you and your company to get the message across.

Contact a remote business communications consultant at The ONE now. Instant contact them via the live video calling and only pay per minute for the advice you need.

Ben Steenstra Ben Steenstra
5 mins read
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