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  • avail. in 18m
    artist, writer
    € 0,33 pm
    I'm the ONE who can help you change your life
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    Government of Amsterdam ,  Netherlands
    Languages: English, Dutch, Hindi, Spanish
    #ayurveda #ayurveda #ayurveda #graphicart #creative writing #blogging #body type #design #meditation #painting #ethnic #mindbalance #graphics #portrait #fashion #poetry #illustrator #photoshop #design #art therapy #kapha #vegetarian #sketching #weight loss #healthy #vata #weightloss #pita #poetry #english #parenting #math #stress management #essays #counseling #english lit #weightloss #healing #changinglife
  • avail. in 18m
    Spiritualist Artist
    € 0,10 pm
    I'm the ONE for a new perspective on Life, for art and crafts help
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    Selangor ,  Malaysia
    Languages: English, Hindi, Malay
    #ayurvedic #ayurveda #om yoga for third eye #kriya to invoke creative heart #english pronunciation #yoga for mental power #unconditioning the mind #written english #beyond the psyc #allowing 5 element to heal #spiritualism for life #psychology through yoga #a better you #handmade jewelry #adult crafs #all quick yogic practices #sweetening the self #children craft #yogic cure depression #sweetness of self for success #5 elements of life #how to learn #break hessitation #english as second language #hessitation sin of life #acrylic painting #cure stress through art #yoga to align consciousness #mind management #chant to reduce karmic #inner well being #quick kriya for stress #plant healing #yogic breathing for stress #watercolor painting #yogic spiritualism #overcome stress quickly #how to imbibe plant lifeforce #meditation #breaking down barrier of mind #pranayama #yogic laws of attraction #kundalini #essays #beginner yoga #english #kriya yoga #english through tamil #manage emotional shifts #spoken english #nada (sound) yoga happiness #tam #nadi shuddhi for peace
  • avail. in 6h
    € 0,59 pm
    I'm the ONE I’m the ONE who will help you establish a consistent meditation practice
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    Montreal ,  Canada
    Languages: English, Hindi
    #ayurvedic medicine #ayurveda #ayurveda #eft #anxiety #enlightenment #no diet #reiki #yoga #exercise #awareness #eatwell #weightloss #calm #relaxation #mindfulness #health #deep relaxation #peace mindset #shadow work #healthyskin #body transformation #peaceful mindset #healthy eating #mediation #meditation #chanting #calm #awakening #awareness #eat healthy #concentracion #weightloss #relax lessons #natural beauty #emotional healing #eat well #self knowledge #goodhealth #hatha yoga #reverseaging #inner child healing #fasthealth #strength training #yoga #home workouts #awakening #natural remedies #anxiety #mindfulness #self love #eat well #yoga

8 other people who might know about 'Ayurveda'

  • available now
    € 0,05 pm
    I'm the ONE who tells you where to invest your money who gives you health advice
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    Sfantu Gheorghe ,  Romania
    Languages: English, Hungarian, Romanian
    #ayurveda #ayurveda #cryptocurrency investments #cryptocurrency #investing #herbs #ghee #vegetarian food #permaculture
  • avail. in 1h
    yoga, writing, sport
    € 0,25 pm
    First 15 min. free
    I'm the ONE I'm the One that you are searching for! I can help you reach your goals
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    Metropolitan City of Rome ,  Italy
    Languages: Italian, English
    #ayurveda #personal trainer #pilates #running #weight loss #restorative #yoga for beginners #meditation #yoga and meditation #ashtanga yoga #job advice #goal orientation #stress management #stress relief #italian #writing #hatha yoga
  • avail. in 5h
    softwre Consultant
    € 0,20 pm
    I'm the ONE Tat sails, as ships r safe in the harbour,but that is not what ships r made for
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    Brussels ,  Belgium
    Languages: English, Hindi
    #ayurvedic #vegan protein #pranichealing #sucide prevention #personality building #english #physics #vegan diet #data recovery #hardware #databases #organicdiet #mindbodysync #veganprotien #supplementing #organic sport food #java #drinking advice #sql #computer science #software installation #software development #data warehousing #laughter theraphy #software testing #wellness #own ideas #crossfit #5mincrafts #whatoeatwhentoeat #wasteconversion #vegeterianism #indian #protien #vegan #easydiet #vegeterian #english #tastygreens #chemistry #mindfullness #elementary maths #long distance relationships #hindi #vegeterian
  • avail. in 7h
    psicologa comunicacional
    € 0,08 pm
    I'm the ONE soy de personalidad reparadora, por lo que tratare de ayudarte en todo hasta llegar a los objetivos, tu logro tambien sera el mio :)
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    Mexico City ,  Mexico
    Languages: Spanish, English
    #ayurveda #new companies #concepts #nuevos negocios #business creation #entrepreneurship #mexico #body #remedios caseros #organico #productos naturales #narvarte #coldelvalle #cdmx #mistakes #vegan #regresar a la raiz #awarness #singing #terapist #cantante #business communication #cantar #businessmodels #art #business development #artistic ideas #consultant #handcraft #experiences #psychology #sharing #coaching #coach #terapeuta #superfoods #psicologa #meditation #ciudad de mexico
  • avail. in 7h
    Assistant professor
    € 1,00 pm
    I'm the ONE I'm the one who can guide you out of your issues
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    Montgomery County ,  United States
    Languages: English, Hindi
    #ayurveda #e-commerce #online marketing #hindi #project help #math #heart cholestrol control #telecommunications #surat #india #mumbai #electronics devices #basuc computer troubleshooting #server operations #ebay selling #franchising #gujarat #dieting #diamond #immunity control diet #economic capital #assignments #industrial area #question set preparation #hazira #yoga #health routines #datacenter operations #classical #business consultancy #keyboard #website seo #synthesizer #technical writing #classical music #homeopathy #classical singing #diets for diabetes #gardening methods #hair fall control #types of plants #physics #seeding and watering #mathematics #shrubbing #teaching english #shredding #science up to grade 10 #electronics engineering #english #group studies #bengali #entrepreneurship #exercise #franchise #seo #networking
  • avail. in 8h
    Coach mente/cuerpo
    € 1,80 pm
    First 15 min. free
    I'm the ONE Solucionar el estrés y la ansiedad desde la raíz sin meses de terapia ni medicin
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    Mexico City ,  Mexico
    Languages: Spanish, English
    #ayurvedic #ayurveda #meditación guiada #guided meditation #salud y bienestar #coach motivational #emotion regulation #espiritualidad #nlp #longevity #vegan #vegetarian #lifestyle #nutrition #mental health #health and wellness #healing #spiritual crisis counseling #keto #nlp coaching #habits #salud mental #dieta saludable #social skills #holistic #habilidades sociales #health routines #hypnosis #vegetarian diet #weight loss #nutricion #health #bajar de peso #spiritual coaching #cetosis #emotional intelligence #estilos de vida saludable #health coach #longer life keys #mindset coaching #eat well #pnl #ketogenic diet #relaciones #hábitos #salud personal #holistic wellness #relationships coach #sanando #health & wellness coach #dieta vegana #mentalidad #dieta vegetariana #coach de espiritualidad #dieta cetogénica #hipnosis #mindset #emotional healing #counseling #completion process #fitness
  • avail. in 9h
    € 0,10 pm
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    Government of Rotterdam ,  Netherlands
    Languages: English, Hindi
    #ayurveda #design #plant based diet #hindi #prayanam #yoga #meditation #architecture #architecture #relationships #prayanam #yog #home remedies #rotterdam
  • avail. in 7h
    Teacher and Artist
    € 0,30 pm
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    Cerro Gordo County ,  United States
    Languages: English
    #ayurveda #ayurveda #emotional healing #drawing #nadi shuddhi for peace #reading #papers #yoga #painting #crafts #art history #ceramics #sculpture #collage #editing #perspective #hatha yoga #healingpractices #yoga for beginners #writing #acrylic painting #writing #food for health #fiction #poetry #figure drawing #speech #watercolor painting #reading comprehension #elements of a story #journaling #oil pastels #online guided meditations #recycle crafts #deep relaxation #art tutor #inner child healing #design principles #bakhti #education #meditation #food habits #reiki #energycentering #wellbeing #chakra #english #affirmations #journalism #self care #essays #yoga nidra #stories #managing emotion #language arts #mantras #online teacher #guided meditation #online tutoring #photography